Academic Honesty Panels are made up of two faculty members and three students. The policy defines a “panelist” as:

“Any student or faculty member selected by the Office of Academic Honesty to serve on an Academic Honesty Panel. Panelists must be certified as qualified, willing to serve, and complete an orientation session about this policy. Faculty panelists are drawn from the Corps of Instruction, as defined by the Academic Affairs policy Manual of the university, including, for example, tenured and tenure-track faculty, instructors, lecturers, and other teaching personnel as defined by the Manual. Student panelists must be currently enrolled at the university and must not have violated this policy or any other institution’s academic honesty policy. The panelist’s application serves as an authorization to verify the above information.

Panelists review materials related to the allegation, hear from the instructor and student, and then decide (in private) whether or not a violation of the policy has occurred. As required by the policy, all new faculty and student panelists must attend an informational meeting about the policy and procedures prior to serving on any panels. The total average time commitment is no more than 3 hours once or twice a semester.

Those interested in serving should contact the Director at [email protected].

Service to the University

Some UGA departments and institutes count serving as an Academic Honesty Panelist, Academic Honesty Facilitator, or Remediation Faculty Representative as service to the university which can be reported on annual evaluations and promotion applications. These departments / institutes include (but are not limited to):

Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
  • Department of Geography
  • Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies
  • Department of Mathematics
  • Department of Plant Biology
  • Department of Psychology
  • Department of Religion
Terry College of Business
  • Department of Economics (not for TT, but good for tenured)
  • Department of Management
  • Department of Management Information Systems
  • Department of Marketing
  • J.M. Tull School of Accounting
Mary Frances Early College of Education
  • Department of Communication Sciences and Special Education
  • Department of Counseling and Human Development Services
  • Department of Kinesiology
  • Department of Language and Literacy Education
  • Department of Mathematics, Science, & Social Studies Education
College of Veterinary Medicine
  • Department of Biomedical Sciences
  • Department of Large Animal Medicine
  • Department of Pathology
School of Public and International Affairs / School of Computing
  • Department of International Affairs
  • Department of Political Science

If your department / institute is not listed above, please reach out to your department head / institute director and let us know.

A Culture of Honesty

All members of the university community have a responsibility to uphold and maintain an honest academic environment and to report when dishonesty occurs.

Contact Us Report a Violation