Create An Atmosphere of Integrity
- Talk about academic honesty often.
- Expect high standards from students.
- Be very clear about your expectations for papers, exams, and other assignments.
- Anticipate problematic situations.
- Get to know your students.
- Engage students in the learning process.
Syllabus & First Days of Class
- Explain why academic integrity is important.
- Discuss the University’s policy and penalties.
On the syllabus, include a statement such as:
All students are responsible for knowing the University’s policy on academic honesty. All academic work submitted in this course must be your own unless you have received my permission to collaborate and have properly acknowledged receiving assistance. It is my responsibility to uphold the University’s academic honesty policy and report my belief of dishonesty to the Office of the Vice President for Instruction.
Papers & Written Assignments
- Discuss plagiarism in detail.
- Require and teach a specific documentation style.
- Consider handing out a style/format sheet.
- Use new, varied and narrowly tailored topics.
- Require students to turn in outlines, drafts, research, note cards, etc.
- Always monitor the room.
- Make your testing expectations clear – verbally and in writing.
- Rewrite old exams, keep exams secure & refrain from posting answers during exams.
- Have multiple versions of the exam printed on different colors of paper.
- Give students room to spread out and have multiple proctors for large classes.
- Large classes: require ID or a seating chart.
- Require students to leave all materials and hats in the front of the room or under chairs.
- Control the paper that is used.
- Draw a line through any blank spaces or incomplete answers when grading.
- Do not return materials that can be altered and resubmitted.
Labs & Group Work
- State in writing how students should report lab results that they obtain as a group.
- Incorporate individual interpretation and synthesis into the final report and/or testing.
- Do not accept photocopied work.
- Consider including peer evaluation of individual work and contributions.
What Should I Do If I Suspect a Student Is Cheating?
- Allow the student to complete the exam.
- Try to get another witness (TA or professor).
- Discreetly take up cheating materials. Make a general announcement reminding students to be quiet, to keep their eyes on their own work and to avoid the appearance of academic dishonesty.
- If the problem persists, separate students using the least possible disruption.
- Document the nature of the offense, your observations, and other evidence.
- If you are a teaching assistant, without identifying the student, notify your department head or supervising faculty member about your concerns and intent to notify the Office of the Vice President for Instruction of your suspicions.
- Call the Office of the Vice President for Instruction (542-4336) immediately, and no later than 15 days from the date the alleged violation was discovered.
- A meeting will be scheduled for you and the student to discuss the matter. The OVPI will provide a facilitator to assist in the discussion.
Learn More About UGA’s Academic Honesty Policy
- Call (706) 542-4336 if you have specific questions or are interested in having a representative from the Office of the Vice President for Instruction speak to your class.