Prior to Continued Discussion

  • The staff in the Office of the Vice President for Instruction schedules a date, time, and location for the Continued Discussion.
  • An Academic Honesty Panel is selected from the pool of certified panelists by the staff in the Office of the Vice President for Instruction. (Panel members’ names are not shared with the student(s) and instructor(s) prior to the Continued Discussion.)
  • The student(s) and the instructor(s) are sent a notification of the date, time and location of the Continued Discussion by their UGA email account. The letter includes the deadline for the submission of all material to be considered by the panel. In addition, if the student(s) and instructor(s) choose to have an adviser present, each must notify the Office of the Vice President for Instruction of their adviser’s name by the deadline.
  • The student(s) and instructor(s) receive a copy of all submitted materials prior to the Continued Discussion.
  • The panel reviews all of the materials submitted by the student(s) and instructor(s) prior to Continued Discussion.

Continued Discussion

  • The facilitator reads an introductory statement and audio records the meeting.
  • The instructor(s) explains why the matter was reported and answers questions from the panel members and student(s).
  • The student(s) responds to the allegation and answers questions from the panel members and instructor(s).
  • The instructor(s) and student(s) are allowed time for brief closing remarks.
  • The facilitator excuses the student(s), instructor(s), and advisers and the meeting concludes.
  • Private Panel deliberations begin.

Panel Deliberations

During a Continued Discussion, the instructor(s) who made the accusation has the responsibility to demonstrate to the Academic Honesty Panel that it is more likely than not that the student violated the university’s academic honesty policy. If a majority of panelists believe that the instructor(s) has not demonstrated that it is more likely than not that a violation occurred, the allegation must be dismissed. The Panel may impose a consequence only when the majority of the panelists find the instructor(s) has demonstrated that it is more likely than not that a violation occurred.

A student found in violation by the Academic Honesty Panel must receive either a “0” or the lowest possible grade on the academic work under the grading system for that course and at least one of the following consequences:

  1. Final course grade of “F”
  2. Placement of a dishonesty notation on the student’s UGA transcript
  3. Suspension from the university
  4. Dismissal from the university
  5. Expulsion from the university

The Academic Honesty Panel may impose other consequences in addition to the minimums above. If the Academic Honesty Panel finds that extraordinary circumstances warrant the imposition of a consequence less than the minimums described above, the Academic Honesty Panel shall state in writing the reasons for the extraordinary circumstances and why the assigned consequence is considered appropriate.

After Continued Discussion

  • The Panel must deliver their decision to the Office of the Vice President for Instruction within five working days of their meeting. The student(s) and instructor(s) are notified of the Panel’s decision.
  • The student(s) will be notified by their UGA e-mail unless arrangements are made for the student to pick up (and sign for) the letter from the Office of the Vice President for Instruction.


A Culture of Honesty

All members of the university community have a responsibility to uphold and maintain an honest academic environment and to report when dishonesty occurs.

Contact Us Report a Violation