No student may complete, attempt, or help another engage in academic dishonesty on academic work. Any dishonest act can be a violation of the policy, whether intended or not.

Students must be vigilant to avoid accidental plagiarism or assisting other students without authorization.

Any behavior that constitutes academic dishonesty is prohibited even if it is not specifically listed in the list of examples.

Examples of Academic Dishonesty. The following list includes, but is not limited to, examples of academically dishonest behavior:


Using another’s work as your own without correct citations. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  1. Directly quoting another’s written or spoken words without quotation marks.
  2. Paraphrasing without attribution.
  3. Presenting someone else’s original idea or theory as your own original work without attribution.
  4. Using statistics, images, or data without recognizing who compiled them.
  5. Turning in work that another wrote as your own work.
  6. Self-Plagiarism: Submitting an assignment for credit that has already been submitted, unless the current instructor authorizes its use prior to submission.

The bottom line:

  • If it’s not your writing, thought, creation, or composition, cite it.
  • If it is your previous work, make sure you are allowed to use it.
  • If you had someone or a computer program create or do this work on your behalf (paid or not), then it’s contract cheating.
  • Using Generative AI (GAI) tools without proper source citation.
Unauthorized Assistance

Giving or receiving help for assignments without prior approval from your instructor. During any assignment, any help (such as books, notes, calculators, technology, internet resources, or conversations with others) is considered unauthorized unless the instructor explicitly allows it. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  1. Copying, or allowing others to copy, answers to an assignment.
  2. Sending, receiving, posting, uploading, downloading, or accessing relevant exam information, prior to, during, or after the exam itself (including written or orally, or use of sign, electronic device, or digital resource information).
  3. Completing someone else’s assignment or allowing them to complete yours.
  4. Collaborating on any assignment that is an individual assignment.
  5. Submitting group work that does not represent work from all members of the group. Every student whose name is on a group project is responsible for the academic honesty of the group assignment.
  6. Using any cellular device, electronic device, digital device, or programmable calculator without permission during an exam or closed assignment.

The bottom line:

  • If you are requesting, sharing, or receiving any assignment or test information and it is an individual assignment, you are putting yourself at risk.
  • The whole group is responsible for the integrity of group work.
  • Don’t access any electronic devices or notes for any reason unless your instructor explicitly says it’s allowed during an exam.
  • Never use Artificial Intelligence on an assignment unless it is explicitly authorized by your instructor before the assignment is turned in.
  • Using Generative AI (GAI) tools unless explicitly allowed by your instructor.

Giving false information related to academic work or in connection with a facilitated discussion, continued discussion, meeting with multiple violations review board, or appeal. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  1. Giving false reasons for failing to complete an assignment before, during, or after submission.
  2. Falsifying laboratory or experimental work, or fabricating data results.
  3. Altering work after it has been submitted, and requesting academic credit for the altered work (unless the alteration was requested by the professor as a revision).
  4. Altering grade, lab, or attendance records. This may include ‘signing in’ on another student’s behalf or providing attendance verification information to a student not in attendance.
  5. Damaging equipment to prevent or alter evaluation of work; using someone else’s password without permission; disrupting the function of a website; impersonating another person.
  6. Giving or encouraging false information or testimony in connection with academic work or any proceeding regarding a violation of this policy.

The bottom line:

  • If you aren’t in class, do not sign in, forge a fake note, or ask someone else to sign you in
  • If the data isn’t working, do not alter the results to meet your needs

If the grade you earned is not the grade you want, tampering with the graded work and asking for a regrade is dishonest.


Stealing any information related to academic work (such as past exams, grade records, forms used in grading, books, papers, computer equipment and data, or laboratory equipment and data).


Any failure to comply with a duty imposed by this policy. There is no penalty for failing to report another student’s dishonesty or for failing to testify in an academic honesty proceeding.


A Culture of Honesty

All members of the university community have a responsibility to uphold and maintain an honest academic environment and to report when dishonesty occurs.

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