“I will be academically honest in all of my academic work and will not tolerate academic dishonesty of others.” – UGA Student Honor Code
Each University of Georgia instructor has a responsibility to report to the Office of the Vice President for Instruction if he/she believes a student may have violated the university’s academic honesty policy. Students who have knowledge of dishonesty should report the matter to the instructor responsible for the course and provide him/her with a signed and dated written description of the matter.
The Director will notify the student by e-mail when the report has been filed. The person who reports the matter will be copied on the notification. The notification will specify the course in which the possible violation may have occurred and explain the process of the Facilitated Discussion which must follow. The student and the instructor should refrain from discussing the matter until a facilitator is available to meet with both of you.
The Office of the Vice President will assign a trained facilitator to assist the instructor and student in an educational discussion about the assignment(s) in question. If both the instructor and student agree that dishonesty was involved, both will discuss appropriate sanctions for the violation. The goal of the Facilitated Discussion is a mutually agreeable resolution.
If the student and instructor are unable to reach an agreement about the violation or sanction, the matter will move forward to a Continued Discussion with an Academic Honesty Panel. At this level, the Panel will determine the outcome of the matter.
The student and instructor may each have one advisor present at the meeting. The advisors may not address the panel or other parties in attendance. In addition, a Continued Discussion will not be scheduled or postponed based on an advisor’s schedule. An advisor can be any “individual who assists an instructor or student in preparing for a Continued Discussion or the Multiple Violations Review Board.” We have a small number of students willing to serve as an advisor. Please let us know if you would like us to ask for an advisor on your behalf. On receiving your request, we will pass along names of responding students who are available, but we cannot guarantee an advisor and one is not mandated by the policy. You might also consider consulting the UGA Ombudspersons or Student Care and Outreach for guidance and additional support.
Students should read the full academic honesty policy, A Culture of Honesty and review the UGA Facilitated Discussion Model and Facilitated Discussion Agreement before the Facilitated Discussion. Questions about the policy and procedures should be directed to the Coordinator at (706) 542-4336 or by email at [email protected].