Do we have an honor code?

Yes, the UGA Honor Code states, “I will be academically honest in all of my academic work and will not tolerate academic dishonesty of others.” The Honor Code was proposed and written by STUDENTS and approved by the University Council May 1, 1997. All students (undergraduate & graduate) must agree to abide by the honor code when signing the application for admission to the University.

Will I be reported for violating the honor code if I don't tell on someone I see cheating?

No, but it is your responsibility to uphold the honor code and it would be appropriate to report what you see (or know) to the professor of the course in which the violation occurs.

Everyone cheats though - right? Does the University really care?

Wrong – everyone doesn’t cheat – in fact – as our student body continues to become brighter, more students are insistent that the University’s academic integrity is upheld. Our professors take academic integrity seriously and have a responsibility to report possible violators to the Office of the Vice President for Instruction. The value of the degree you earn from UGA is based on the academic integrity of the University!

Possible violators? Do you mean if my professor just thinks I may have violated the policy and doesn't have proof, I could be reported? That seems unfair.

By reporting, the professor not only protects the integrity of the course and the other students in the course, but also protects YOUR due process rights.

Well, what happens then?

The student will be contacted by the Coordinator for Academic Honesty – by e-mail – (another reason to be sure to regularly check your e-mail) who explains that a meeting will be scheduled between the student and the faculty member with a facilitator (a 3rd party who will ensure that the meeting is fair).

During that EDUCATIONAL meeting, the student and faculty member have the opportunity to resolve the matter – that is, determine the outcome. They may decide a violation did not occur. If they both agree, however, that a violation did occur, they decide what sanction is appropriate.

But what if they can't agree?

Then the matter is sent to a panel made up of students and faculty. The panel will make the decision on whether or not a violation occurred and sanction(s) if necessary.

Consequences - what if I admit to violating the honor code?

Sanctions can be as minor as a “0” on the assignment or as harsh as an “F” in the course, a dishonesty transcript notation, suspension, or permanent expulsion from the University. More information on sanctions can be found here.

But what if I want to go to graduate or professional school?

UGA now offers a remediation program that if completed, will lead to record non-disclosure. Click here to see if you are eligible and if this may be a good fit for you.

So, what can I do to be sure I don't get reported?
  • Do your own work – don’t copy other students’ homework
  • Don’t cut and paste from the web and don’t BUY papers from anyone!
  • Read each course syllabus because professors may include information about what they believe to be dishonest in their course.
  • Ask questions of your professor if you aren’t sure of the requirements for an assignment.
  • Learn how to cite correctly so that you don’t plagiarize.
  • Don’t allow others to use your work – even if it’s work you completed a previous term.
  • Be careful when you share a computer – password protect YOUR work.
  • And most importantly – READ the academic honesty policy, A Culture of Honesty (PDF)!

A Culture of Honesty

All members of the university community have a responsibility to uphold and maintain an honest academic environment and to report when dishonesty occurs.

Contact Us Report a Violation