Do you want your students to know more about academic honesty? Do you want to re-engage with your students about academic integrity in your course(s)? Promoting academic integrity means more than simply preventing cheating. It also means educating students about attitudes and behaviors that foster and hurt academic communities of integrity.

To educate your students about academic integrity, you can incorporate a stand-alone eLC course module on Academic Honesty at UGA into your syllabus. We offer two modules – one for undergraduate students, and one geared towards graduate students. The modules are self-guided, can be completed by students on their own time, and can be assigned by instructors as homework and/or used for discussions in class. Completing the undergraduate module takes around 60 minutes; completing the graduate module takes 90-120 minutes. Upon completion, students are awarded a digital badge in eLC which stays on their eLC profile – meaning they only need to complete the module once!

The goals of the modules are:

  • Gauge students’ attitudes towards academic integrity
  • Educate students about the most common types of academic misconduct – Plagiarism, Unauthorized Assistance, Lying & Tampering, Theft – and how to avoid them
  • Quiz students on their understanding of UGA’s academic honesty policy
  • Help students reflect about their own moral reasoning and ethical decision-making regarding academic honesty, and that of others

The modules include:

  • Two questionnaires (a Pre-Course Self-Assessment and a Post-Assessment)
  • Definitions of the most common types of academic misconduct
  • Examples of prohibited conduct
  • Undergraduate: three videos depicting potential scenarios of academic misconduct in an undergraduate student’s life + reflection questions
  • Graduate: Two real-world scenarios for each type of academic misconduct + reflection questions
  • Information about campus partners and resources that can help students avoid academic misconduct
  • A Personal Integrity Pledge

You can assign a module as homework and/or use it to initiate structured dialogue about the potential pitfalls under UGA’s academic honesty policy. Either guide the discussion yourself or invite student ambassadors from the Office of Academic Honesty to participate in leading the dialogue. Contact [email protected] for more information.

How to access the modules:

On January 23, 2025, all incoming undergraduate and graduate students will be automatically enrolled into their respective modules. To enroll all other students in your courses, send us a request (see below). Once enrolled, users can find the undergraduate modules in their eLC under Academic Honesty Spring 2025 and the graduate module under Academic Honesty Graduate Spring 2025 Fall courses will remain open until the last day of classes, Monday, April 28th.

Use this form to request enrollment instructions for your Spring 2025 students! The deadline to send a request for enrollment is Monday, February 10th by 5:00 p.m. Based on the indicated course number, we will enroll your students either in the undergraduate or graduate module. (Please only send one enrollment request, even if you want students from several classes enrolled.)

You can use the discussion guides below to engage in academic integrity dialogue with your students. Thank you for your commitment to academic integrity at UGA!

A Culture of Honesty

All members of the university community have a responsibility to uphold and maintain an honest academic environment and to report when dishonesty occurs.

Contact Us Report a Violation