“Academic honesty is vital to the very fabric and integrity of the University.” A Culture of Honesty

Since at least 1999, A Culture of Honesty, the university’s academic honesty policy, has required expulsion and a permanent dishonesty transcript notation for a student’s second or subsequent violation of the university’s academic honesty policy. Prior to 1999, A Culture of Honesty did not refer to subsequent violations; however, records indicate that students were expelled for the repeated dishonesty.

In April 2007, the University Council approved revisions to A Culture of Honesty including the creation of a Multiple Violations Review Board. The Multiple Violations Review Board composed of two faculty members and one student selected by the Director for Academic Honesty, is responsible for determining the university sanctions for students who have violated the honesty policy more than once. (University sanctions are in addition to course sanctions agreed to by the student in the Facilitated Discussion or determined by an Academic Honesty Panel.)

Prior to Multiple Violations Review Board Meeting

  • The staff in the Office of the Vice President for Instruction schedules a date, time, and location for the Multiple Review Board meeting.
  • The student is sent a notification of the date, time, and location of the Multiple Violations Review Board meeting to their UGA e-mail. The notice includes the deadline for the student to submit any material he/she wants to be considered by the Board. In addition, if the student chooses to have an adviser present, the student must notify the Office of the Vice President for Instruction of the adviser’s name by the deadline.
  • The Multiple Violations Review Board and the student receive a copy of the student’s academic dishonesty files and the student’s submission prior to the meeting.

Multiple Violations Review Board Meeting

  • The facilitator reads an introductory statement and audio records the meeting.
  • The student is allowed up to thirty minutes with the Board to provide a statement and answer the Board members’ questions.
  • The facilitator excuses the student and the meeting concludes.
  • Private Board deliberations begin.

Multiple Violations Review Board Deliberations

A student who has violated the policy more than once must receive a permanent dishonesty transcript notation and one of the following consequences:

  1. Expulsion from the university
  2. Dismissal from the university
  3. Suspension from the university

While permanent expulsion from the University of Georgia should be the standard sanction for multiple violations, there may be some situations in which the Multiple Violations Review Board determines that an alternative sanction is more appropriate.

Each student’s case is unique and judged on its individual merits. When determining appropriate sanctions, the Board may consider factors such as the extent to which the student has accepted responsibility for the violations, previously undisclosed extenuating personal circumstances related to the violation(s), the extent to which the violations were premeditated and the nature/severity of the violations.

If the Multiple Violations Review Board determines that extraordinary circumstances warrant the imposition of a sanction less than one of the minimums, a detailed written rationale must be provided to the Office of the Vice President for Instruction and the student.

After Multiple Violations Review Board

  • The Board members must deliver their decision to the Office of the Vice President for Instruction within five working days of their meeting.
  • The student is notified of the Board’s decision by UGA e-mail unless arrangements are made for the student to pick up (and sign for) the letter from the Office of the Vice President for Instruction.


Expulsion means permanent separation of the student from the university.

Dismissal means a minimum of three consecutive semesters after the term in which the current violation occurred during which the dismissed student is not allowed to be enrolled at the University of Georgia. Classes taken by the student at another school during the dismissal period will not be credited toward a UGA degree or calculated in the student’s overall GPA.

Readmission from dismissal is not automatic but determined by the Petitions Subcommittee of the Educational Affairs Committee. Appeals for readmission must be written and signed by the student and include information about the academic honesty violation(s).

Suspension means a defined term of at least one semester in which a student is not allowed to be enrolled at the university. Classes taken by the suspended student at another school during the period of suspension will not be credited toward a UGA degree or calculated in the student’s overall GPA.

When the period of suspension has been completed, the student may return to the university if he/she meets UGA enrollment requirements.

Effective Date for Suspension, Dismissal, or Expulsion

A student who acknowledges a violation or is found in violation prior to the mid-point withdrawal deadline of the term and is suspended, dismissed, or expelled for the violation will be administratively withdrawn from the current term’s courses. If the student acknowledges the violation or is found in violation after the mid-point of the term, the student will be allowed to complete the current term, after which the suspension, dismissal, or expulsion will go into effect.



A Culture of Honesty

All members of the university community have a responsibility to uphold and maintain an honest academic environment and to report when dishonesty occurs.

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