The text below can serve as a template for students writing their appeal letter.
Student’s Full Name
Student ID #
UGA Email Address
Phone Number
Street Address
City, State and Zip Code
Educational Affairs Committee
Office of the Vice President for Instruction
Student Academic Services
University of Georgia
102 Memorial Hall
Athens, GA 30602
To whom it may concern:
First paragraph: clearly explain the semester(s) and/or class(es) for which you are appealing. Be as specific as possible. You may consider adding the course registration number (CRN) or number of hours in the course.
Second paragraph / section: write out the reasons for the request. Include any relevant information.
Third paragraph / section: describe any supporting documents you are including with your appeal. Include any and all related documentation as pdf attachments, or drop them off to our office or email them along with your appeal letter.
Conclusion: add any final remarks you would like the Petitions Subcommittee to consider. If you would like an in-person meeting with the Petitions Subcommittee, you need to explicitly state your request.
UGA Student Name