“I will be academically honest in all of my academic work and will not tolerate academic dishonesty of others.” – UGA Student Honor Code

Each University of Georgia instructor has a responsibility to report to the Office of the Vice President for Instruction if he/she believes a student may have violated the university’s academic honesty policy. Students who have knowledge of dishonesty should report the matter to the instructor responsible for the course and provide him/her with a signed and dated written description of the matter.

The Director will notify the student by e-mail when the report has been filed. The person who reports the matter will be copied on the notification. The notification will specify the course in which the possible violation may have occurred and explain the process of the Facilitated Discussion which must follow. The student and the instructor should refrain from discussing the matter until a facilitator is available to meet with both of you.

The Office of the Vice President will assign a trained facilitator to assist the instructor and student in an educational discussion about the assignment(s) in question. If both the instructor and student agree that dishonesty was involved, both will discuss appropriate sanctions for the violation. The goal of the Facilitated Discussion is a mutually agreeable resolution.

If the student and instructor are unable to reach an agreement about the violation or sanction, the matter will move forward to a Continued Discussion with an Academic Honesty Panel. At this level, the Panel will determine the outcome of the matter.

The student and instructor may each have one advisor present at the meeting. The advisors may not address the panel or other parties in attendance. In addition, a Continued Discussion will not be scheduled or postponed based on an advisor’s schedule. An advisor can be any “individual who assists an instructor or student in preparing for a Continued Discussion or the Multiple Violations Review Board.” We have a small number of students willing to serve as an advisor. Please let us know if you would like us to ask for an advisor on your behalf. On receiving your request, we will pass along names of responding students who are available, but we cannot guarantee an advisor and one is not mandated by the policy. You might also consider consulting the UGA Ombudspersons or Student Care and Outreach for guidance and additional support.

Students should read the full academic honesty policy, A Culture of Honesty and review the UGA Facilitated Discussion Model and Facilitated Discussion Agreement before the Facilitated Discussion. Questions about the policy and procedures should be directed to the Coordinator at (706) 542-4336 or by email at [email protected].

Office for Student Success and Achievement

The Office for Student Success and Achievement is the student success center on campus. They offer free tutoring, academic coaching, and online modules. You can see all of the services available by going to ossa.uga.edu. You can sign up for tutoring using the Penji app and get an appointment with an academic coach through SAGE.

OSSA home page

Accessibility and Testing

The Accessibility and Testing coordinates and provides a variety of academic and support services to student with disabilities. The types of disabilities commonly found among college students are both hidden and visible, such as chronic illness, anxiety, learning disabilities, and mobility impairments. If you are not sure if you qualify for services, just stop by the office or call the Accessibility and Testing to speak with a Coordinator: 114 Clark Howell Hall and our number is (706) 542-8719.

Accessibility and Testing

The Jill and Marvin Willis Center for Writing

We provide one-on-one writing consultation for UGA students of all levels and disciplines. We encourage students to set their own goals for appointments, and our consultants help students work toward those goals in a collaborative, instructive, comfortable atmosphere. Students should bring a piece of writing they are currently working on. Undergraduate students can make one thirty minute appointment per week, and graduate students can make one hour-long appointment per week below:

Make An Appointment

Love and Money Center

The Love and Money Center is a unique resource that provides holistic counseling and education services to UGA and the Athens community. We offer an array of services that include individual, couple, and family therapy; financial counseling and education; home environment and design; nutrition counseling and education; and legal problem solving. For an appointment or for more information about the Love and Money Center, please call 706-542-4486 or email us at [email protected].

Love and Money Center

Health Promotion

Health educators work in partnership with the clinician staff to help students learn about self-care and healthy lifestyles. By making an appointment with one of the health educators, you can talk to them about STIs, contraception, alcohol and other drugs, acquaintance rape issues, eating disorders, body image, nutrition, cholesterol and vegetarian eating. Contact Health Promotion at 706-542-8690.

Health Promotion

CAPS - Counseling and Psychological Services

CAPS offers short-term individual, group, and couples therapy, psychiatric evaluation and medication monitoring, psychological assessment, and makes referrals to campus and community resources when appropriate. CAPS is dedicated to offering services while having respect for others, a deep appreciation for diversity, and compassion for the people we serve. Contact us at (706) 542-2273.


UGA Librarians

Librarians offer one-on-one consultations with students who are writing or re-writing research papers or projects. We can help students find appropriate research sources, avoid plagiarism and properly cite their work. Please send requests to Elliott Kuecker: [email protected] or (706) 542-6708, and he will forward them to the appropriate librarian subject specialist.

UGA Librarians

Dean's Certification

Some schools, programs, companies, and organizations require applicants to submit a Dean’s Certification, which verifies a student’s records. Four offices are involved in the certification process at the University of Georgia. The Office of the Registrar reports the enrollment verification and academic standing of the student, the Vice President for Instruction reports any violations of the University’s academic honesty policy, the Equal Opportunity Office reports on any violations of NDAH policies, and the Office of Student Conduct reports on any violations of the Code of Conduct. The Dean’s Certification process may be initiated by following the link.

Dean’s Certification

Citation Help

The UGA Libraries provide resources and services to assist you in citing materials for your papers and projects. Click the button below for more information.

Citation Help

Plagiarism LibGuide

The UGA Libraries provide resources and services to assist you in citing materials for your papers and projects. Click the button below for more information.

Plagiarism LibGuide

Research Page

Guides created by UGA librarians to help you find the best resources for your research! Click the button below for more information.

Research Page

Student Care and Outreach

The mission of Student Care & Outreach is to coordinate care and assistance for all students, undergraduate and graduate, who experience complex, hardship, and/or unforeseen circumstances, by providing individualized assistance and tailored interventions.

Student Care and Outreach

Are you looking for free UGA resources for a specific problem?

I need help with…

...being successful at UGA


Participate in academic coaching:

Be mentored:

Receive free tutoring:

Use resources from the UGA Career Center:

If you have a disability, you can receive support from the Disability Resource Center (DRC):

...being successful in the professional world.

Be mentored:

Use resources from the UGA Career Center:

Develop your leadership skills through the Institute for Leadership Advancement (ILA):

Terry College’s Writing and Communication Lab

...preparing for my exams.
...developing better study skills.
...doing research.
...reading and understanding academic literature
...academic writing
...paraphrasing and avoiding plagiarism.
...my health.
...my mental health.
  • Student Care and Outreach coordinates care and assistance for all students, undergraduate and graduate, who experience complex, hardship, and/or unforeseen circumstances, by providing individualized assistance and tailored interventions
  • Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS) provides high quality, affordable, and confidential mental health and wellbeing services to UGA students and their eligible partners
  • TAO – Therapy Assistance Online provides online and mobile tools to help you conquer the day-to-day struggles of general stressors like anxiety and depression, or specific troubles like relationships and addiction
  • Psychology Clinic is an outpatient mental health clinic operated by the Clinical Training Program of the Department of Psychology at UGA
  • Love and Money Center offers a variety of low-cost or no-cost services such as therapy, financial planning/financial counseling, nutrition education​, and legal problem-solving to individuals, couples, and families throughout our local community in Athens and across Georgia
...managing stress.
...managing my time.


...my financials.
...my living situation.
  • Embark@UGA is a campus based effort providing direct support to students who have experienced homelessness and/or foster care. By connecting with Embark@UGA, students will receive individualized support from members of the Student Care and Outreach team and connections to a resource and referral network, whose aim is to promote success and well-being in and beyond the classroom.
  • UGA Housing Scholarships
...building relationships with other students.
...acting on my values and being an ethical leader.

Attend a digital workshop and explore ethics in the field and in leadership:

Promoting academic integrity on campus and beyond:

  • Create an educational resource that informs others about UGA’s academic honesty policy and/or academic integrity in general (e.g., a presentation, flyer, poster, social media post, TikTok video, …)
  • Participate in Academic Honesty outreach events led by Student Ambassadors (e.g., Integrity Week in the fall semester, promote academic honesty in partnership with Housing in the spring, attend regional and international conferences)
  • Watch a show or documentary / listen a podcast that discusses integrity in your intended career field & prepare an overview over what you have learned and how it will help you promote integrity in your future career

A Culture of Honesty

All members of the university community have a responsibility to uphold and maintain an honest academic environment and to report when dishonesty occurs.

Contact Us Report a Violation